Film makers that are not associated with a studio & are out of High School and/or College are invited to showcase their films at Blvd. Please read the following requirements.
Film creator will confirm they have rights to the film they are applying to showcase at Blvd. Along with permission of all cast to screen the film at Hollywood Blvd Cinema. A majority of film creators, cast & crew will attend screening.
Film creator will provide Blvd with a Poster .Jpeg or .Png for promotion. Link for film trailer on YouTube as well as other social media links at time of application.
Film creator will help promote his or her film on social media, in person and enlist fellow film makers along with the films cast/crew to promote as well. Film creator will also agree to any press opportunities to promote showcase at Blvd.
Film creator will agree to have Hollywood Blvd sell $6 tickets off of Blvd website. Blvd will have promotional rights for Films Poster & Trailer the length of showcasing at Blvd as well as up to 2 months prior. If Film creator would like a None Digital one sheet displayed at Hollywood Blvd that is an option at Film creators expense. Dimensions 27″ 41″.
Film creator will provide film in a DCP in 1.85 flat or 2.39 scope format. DCP content will be delivered to Hollywood Blvd a week prior for testing.
Film creator will agree to no other public showings 1 month prior to and after screening at Blvd.
Film creator will agree to a $200 Theater rental fee if 20 tickets have not sold for their film a 1/2 hour prior to start time. A standard one menu item minimum will be applied for all guests in theater as well.
If you agree to all of these terms please email to begin the application process today!